Sunday, January 6, 2013

We've Moved!

It occurred to me after responding to a sweet post about my paint, that I had not updated this blog since September!  This is just to let you know we will be posting from now on on our new blog where  I will still be sharing paint and furniture projects.  The three girls and I decided collaborating would be fun because although our gifts are different, they come together in a way that we hope is unique and inspiring! So please come visit us at for our own particular brand of craziness combined with great projects, fashion and design!
He makes beautiful things!

Monday, September 3, 2012

This Is How It Begins

     School's back in session, and my focus has been getting some very nervous 7 & 8 year olds ready for the challenges of second grade.  So, this weekend, being a holiday and all, we hit the road to the hill country for my mother-in-law's 90th birthday party.  We took a trailer, (just in case) and the whole family.  My birthday just happens to be the same day as my MIL's, and there is no better gift than getting a whole weekend with my best half, all three daughters, my son-in-law, middle daughter's boyfriend, and of course our grandson.  As a family, we have 4 small businesses, and it takes all of us to help keep them all going.  This weekend, being my birthday and all, we did some family "pickin!"  The Barn is just about empty after last month's sale, so it was time to find some Beautiful Things.

We found just a few!
Come see us September 15 at The Barn! 
He makes Beautiful Things,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chalk Finish Paint

 The popularity of our Chalk Finish Paint has encouraged us to open our Etsy shop.  This paint has a lime additive that makes it chalky and powdery. It covers smoothly, dries quickly, sands easily, is incredibly durable and sticks to just about anything. When sealed with a soft wax and buffed with a cloth, it has the patina of a fine old finish.
     We package our paint in pint jars, which provides just the right amount for smaller projects such as dressers, bookcases, chairs and side tables.  Larger projects such as a china cabinet or dining table might require two pints.  It can be thinned with water if needed.

     Our Chalk Finish Paint is now available to be shipped for a flat rate of $12 from 1-6 jars. Good reason to order several colors and try them out!

Take a look at the palette:

 No. 1 Wrapped Around My Pinky

 No. 2 Knox Three Times
Our Grandson, Knox, is all boy and this blue is for him!
 No. 3 Sea You At The Beach
 No. 4 A Fit of Greige
The perfect grey-beige
No. 5 Vanilla Paper
This is what my second grade students call manila paper!
No. 6 Orange You Gorgeous
A tribute to my grandmother's signature coral lip color
No. 7 I'm Pond of You
No. 8 That's The Last Straw
No. 9 Peony For Your Thoughts
No. 10 Hanging By A Red
     I love this paint, created after hours of finding just the right paints and mixing different additives.  It can be shipped for a flat rate of $12 from 1-6 jars.  Good reason to order several colors and try them out!
Happy Painting!
He makes Beautiful Things!




Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's been awhile, but I am so excited to be back!  We had a very exciting weekend with a photo shoot for my new Etsy store and our August Sale At The Barn.  The sale was once again a tremendous success and we are so grateful to you for supporting us and loving our Beautiful Things as much as we do!  Chastity Overby was so kind to help us out on the spur of the moment to lend us her photography talents, and my friend Colleen came to help us style.  I am blessed beyond measure with friends and family who come to the rescue when called!  If you missed the sale, here are a few items that are being loved in new homes. 

Can't wait for September 15 and our next Sale At The Barn!
Until then-
He makes Beautiful Things,

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place

     After a whirlwind of spring sales and keeping up with my other real job ( yeah, the one that actually supplies a paycheck, but gets in the way of my hobby), I have felt things spiraling out of control over the past couple of months. In the midst of the chaos, our house was a mess, the barn was a mess, and in turn, I was a mess. I know God doesn't get all of me in these seasons and it certainly affects my level of peace.

      The last few weeks of school were spent cleaning and organizing my classroom for next year. True confessions- I have intended to do it every summer for the past 8 years and have either put it off, or had some kind of crisis over the summer that kept me away. I think I may have filled an entire dumpster with things that had been crammed into cabinets by previous teachers, and then added on to by me. My teaching partner called them "the scary closets." Now they are clean, organized, and I know not only what I have, but where to find it!

      Then it was time to tackle the house. With the help of our youngest daughter who is home for the summer, we whipped it into shape fairly quickly.  The deck is also cleaned, flowers planted in pots, and the lemon tree we neglected this spring actually has a ton of blooms!

      Next came the barn. My best half set up some new storage for me and now all my supplies have a home and my work table can actually be used for projects. It took the last little bit of energy I had to make myself complete it, but what a difference it makes in my ability to work in an organized environment!

      Finally, I threw it in, stopped, and was treated to an all by myself float in a friend's pool. Except for the sunburn, it was just what I needed!  It was so quiet as I floated and prayed and felt His peace settle in. It's always there, but slowing down long enough to recognize it is a challenge I struggle with continually.
Last week, part of our Bible Study discussion at church centered on 1 Peter 4:7-  
The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear-minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.”
     Our pastor reminded us that as the world seems to be falling apart around us, it's not out of contol because it's completely in His hands.  We can keep our focus on God, knowing He is the one in control.  But, how can I be focused and clear minded when running in a million directions and spending so much time looking for things that have been thrown in piles while I hurry through life?

I recognize that is an outward sign of an inward mess.
     I am trying to be more intentional this summer in keeping life organized and getting that quiet time, whether it's first thing in the morning or sitting on the deck in the afternoon.  I do know that I need it just like I need food and water and I am certainly not one to skip a meal! But skipping time with my Creator happens way too often. He longs to spend time with me and that is what draws me back, all the while, knowing He has been there waiting patiently for me to burn myself out. As I crawl in His lap, I feel Him saying, "There you are! I've been waiting for this time together. Just you and Me!"

      This morning, East Texas is blessed with a rare cool temperature for June 1. I am sitting on the deck with the iPad and a delicious cup of coffee, savoring the quiet and knowing everything's in its place and there's a place for everything.  

      Thank you LORD for reminding me that it's all a gift from you.

 He makes Beautiful Things!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

     Daughter No. 2 turned 25 today! We have adult children! How did that happen? I thank God for gifting us with her because she has been a true blessing. Happy birthday sweet one. You're our favorite!
Click here to read more about favorites:  

     Our first sale at Round Top was a success, and we had such fun in addition to making a little money to fund this adventure we'd like to eventually call a job!

      Our friends hosted us at their beautiful farm in Oldenburg and although it was pretty stressful getting all the furniture done and set up, once we settled in, it was very relaxing. There was great food along with lots of laughter shared. We are so grateful for their invitation. The slower pace, the eclectic mix of people, and the thrill of a good find (once we got a chance to venture out and shop) were just what we needed. My better half and I are hooked and have been invited back for the fall. We are thrilled!
     We stopped at a sale in La Bahia, and found a primitive tool chest, made by someone who  pieced together what he had to make a box to store his tools.  With the tools, he could repair and reclaim things he needed. We realized we have one just like it, found in Clay's grandparent's shed.

     We talked about how our parents and grandparents were the first "up-cyclers" we knew. We don't have a lot of schema for what it was like living through the depression, but we have tangible evidence in the things people made out of necessity. I pulled out a scoop the other day that Clay's grandad had pieced together out of parts from other things.

I love the fact that he took bits and pieces to fashion an item that was needed.

     In their generation, things that were broken were never considered useless, because the parts were valuable for creating something new. Grandfather's tool chest was built from scraps of wood, some pieces of leather, nails bent into clasps, and an old piece of a box as the liner.  The one we saw in La Bahia was held together with a piece of broken yardstick.   They used every bit of what they had to make what they needed.

     But when all those bits were pulled together and made into a chest, something was created to hold the tools needed to make new things.  It reminds me of the body of Christ.  Paul talks about it in 1 Corinthians 12 and he refers to us over and over as the parts.  God has uniquely gifted each of us and we bring something to make the tool chest complete.  It's a joy to be a uniquely connected part of His plan.

     He makes beautiful things,


Friday, March 9, 2012

Kony 2012

I always advise others about keeping things positive on Facebook, but this time I can't help myself. I am amazed at the attempt to shut down an awareness campaign that is about children being abducted and brutalized, under the guise of getting people to think. Invisible Children has been accused of manipulating information, yet if you will read the response from IC, you will find that the detractors have done exactly the same thing. The goal is to raise awareness of atrocities against children in Africa and to get Joseph Kony out in 2012. Two of our daughters have served in orphanages in Uganda and one of them may soon return permanently, yet I had never heard of John Kony until Invisible Children posted the video. If the only thing I can do is raise awareness, which is free, by the way, then please don't try to make me feel guilty about it.
Recently, the same thing happened with Susan G. Komen when questions arose about their organization. Last year, I beat breast cancer because it was caught early due to new guidelines, technology, and early detection, all of which came from awareness. Those who criticize these campaigns might feel differently if personally affected. If you haven't been there, done that, and walked in those shoes, maybe instead of researching how you can undermine organizations such as Invisible Children and Susan G. Komen, that time could be used more productively. How about a letter or a phone call to someone who has the power to make a difference? Better yet, how about spending that time in prayer for children in Africa who are kidnapped in the middle of the night, and for women still battling breast cancer?

He makes beautiful things,